After Mark Hamill revealed that he will be the voice of the iconic murderous doll, Chucky, and then dropping the first image of “Buddi” and the offical poster, Orion pictures releases the next trailer of ‘Child’s Play‘.
The new ‘Child’s Play‘ stars Latina actress Aubrey Plaza, who plays Karen Barclay, a mother who buys her son (Gabriel Bateman) for his birthday a toy doll called, Buddi which is voiced by Mark Hamill. Buddi is a high tech toy that eventually turns into the serial killer Chucky.
“Goodnight Andy” are the first words Mark Hamill says as the voice of Chucky. Which I admit is creepy. The trailer also introduces Kaslan Corporation app to control Buddi which is the new brand name and a departure from the original “Good Guy Doll”. Plus Buddie is a reference to the popular 1985, “My Buddy” doll by Hasbro.
Judging from the trailer it seems that Andy puts together a team to fight Chucky. Unlike the original ‘Child’s Play‘ this time Andy’s journey is about making new friends in the new neighborhood. Which fits the themes of the times like “Avengers Assemble” and “Stranger Things”. A social commentary of parents trying to get introverted kids outside to play and make new friends. The original 1988 commentary from ‘Child’s Play‘ was about consumerism and the 1983 “Cabbage Patch Kids Craze”. Where parents would fight in toy stores and pay enormous amount of money just so there kids can have the latest hot toy in the market.
For more coverage on Child’s Play check out this article:
Child’s Play hits theaters on June 21, 2019.

“Goodnight Andy”

Child’s Play (2019), Orion Pictures

Child’s Play (2019), Orion Pictures

Child’s Play (2019), Orion Pictures
