
Gigi Saul Guerrero Storms San Diego Comic-Con 2019

LATIN HORROR Ambassadress Gigi Saul Guerrero at San Diego Comic-Con.

LATIN HORROR Ambassadress and emerging horror powerhouse, Gigi Saul Guerrero, attended this year’s San Diego Comic Con—the 50th anniversary of the largest gathering of its kind—to participate on a special panel entitled ‘The New Wave of Latin American Horror Cinema,’ succinctly described as “a casual chat about the past and the future of Latin American horror cinema.” Afterward, Gigi interviewed several of her fellow panel members, including Victor Osuna (Las Reglas de la Ruina), Freddy Chávez Olmos, Mauricio Chernovetzky (Styria), Emilio Portes (Belzebuth), and Isaac Ezben (El Incidente). The panel was moderated by Sebastian Fink.

In the on-the-spot interviews, which are in Spanish with English subtitles, the filmmakers discuss the importance of a new cohort of Latin American story-tellers in horror and why our collective countries are reap with the historic and folkloric source material to create an abundance of films anchored in those cultural traditions and idiosyncrasies.

Gigi’s debut feature film, CULTURE SHOCK, recently premiered on HULU as part of the popular Into the Dark TV series produced by horror titan Blum House. The episode hit on July 4, 2019 and has sustained a 100% fresh rating on Rotten Tomato! Check it out!

Edwin "El Miedo" Pagán
Edwin "El Miedo" Pagán is the Founder-In-Chief of LATIN HORROR. Pagán is a writer, filmmaker and life-long horror fan. In 2008 he founded LATIN HORROR, an online niche market website specializing in Latin-influenced horror, its documentation, and promotion as a distinct genre. Pagán is at the forefront of the Latin "Dark Creative Expressionist" movement, a term he coined as a means of identifying the millions of lost souls who live outside the rim of mainstream society and whose lifestyle and work is grounded in horror, the macabre, and gothic arts. Currently, he is penning a book entitled 'MIEDO - The History of Latin Horror.' Trivia: He is noted for ending his written correspondence with the offbeat salutation 'There will be SANGRE!'

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