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The first look at new Stephen King’s ‘THE STAND’


Latin Horror In 1978, the world was introduced to the post-apocalyptic novel, ‘The Stand,’ by the well renowned horror author, Stephen King. A story about a virus wiping out humanity, only leaving survivors that will follow either Mother Abagail (The Good) or Randall Flagg (The Bad) to a clash that will determine humanity’s fate. But it wasn’t until the 1990’s uncut edition which shifted the story to the 1980’s that the novel captured a generation of book readers and sold 4.5 million copies.

In 1994, to many of us, ‘The Stand,’ was introduced to us on television. I can recall sitting in my bedroom, adjusting the bunny ears on the TV so I can pick up the ABC channel clearly. The series was a four day event. As a kid it terrified me, especially Randall Flagg and as a lasting impression, till this day, I still say, “M-O-O-N spells MOON!”

Today, Variety released the first look at the limited series, Stephen King’s ‘The Stand.’ Which will be streaming via CBS All Access. There is still no release date but we will let you know when there is. Check out the seven pictures below and let Latin Horror know what you think?       

Christian A. Morán
Christian A. Morán has been working on feature films, shorts, music videos and in documentaries, for which he won an award in 2002 at the Aurora Film Festival. As a Production Manager and Senior Editor at Media Blasters Inc., he has worked on and revived numerous Cult and Horror titles such as Lucio Fulci's Zombie 2, Takashi Miike's Ichi the Killer and One Missed Call. He also worked on post-production for Fever Dreams' feature, "Shadow: Dead Riot", starring Tony Todd of Candyman and worked on "Death Trance" directed by Yuji Shimomura and starring Versus' Tak Sakaguchi. Christian has also worked on animated titles including Invader Zim, Berserk, Giant Robo, Samurai Deeper Kyo, 12 Kingdoms and Voltron: Defender of the Universe. He also produced and edited a promotion video for a branch of The United Nations called Alliance of Civilizations which featured President Barack Obama. Currently, he is working with legendary producer Roger Corman and Code Red DVD, who handle titles from MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer). At this time he is producing and directing his own films such as Silentious (2013), Flawed God (2014), Halloween Treat (2014) and the award winning film, Let's Play Dead Girl (2015).

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