Scene Autopsy

SCENE AUTOPSY: ‘Anima Sola’ – Church Scene


‘Anima Sola’ – Church Scene

Written/directed by Edwin Pagán

Scene Setup
A single woman who’s moved into a new home has started having strange visions of another woman and her young son. The visions have progressively become darker and point to a violent  and possible tragic incident.

The scene takes place in a local church where Beatrice has gone to get a spiritual respite from the  frightening episodes she’s been experiencing. A moment later a veiled parishioner kneels beside her to pray and suddenly gives her a dire warning in Spanish: ¡No te olvides! (Never forget). The scene takes place on page 11 in the script.

READ the Script (link)

WATCH the clip (below) —



Edwin "El Miedo" Pagán
Edwin "El Miedo" Pagán is the Founder-In-Chief of LATIN HORROR. Pagán is a writer, filmmaker and life-long horror fan. In 2008 he founded LATIN HORROR, an online niche market website specializing in Latin-influenced horror, its documentation, and promotion as a distinct genre. Pagán is at the forefront of the Latin "Dark Creative Expressionist" movement, a term he coined as a means of identifying the millions of lost souls who live outside the rim of mainstream society and whose lifestyle and work is grounded in horror, the macabre, and gothic arts. Currently, he is penning a book entitled 'MIEDO - The History of Latin Horror.' Trivia: He is noted for ending his written correspondence with the offbeat salutation 'There will be SANGRE!'

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